Mike Burrows builds excellent models and dioramas, for his own pleasure as well as for exhibitions. Shown here is the diorama he built to display his Spacex toys, constructed in a bright style in keeping with the toys.

A moonbase needs a moonscape, so of course Mike made one.

Speculating on some of the later Spacex toys of which no examples appear to have survived is a favourite pastime amongst our little group, where Mike contributed some lovely impressions of what two of them might look like (the photonic Space Station painting was made before an example finally turned up).

Getting back to Mike's models and dioramas, here are two pictures taken at his Glenn Field, demonstrating his love of Gerry Anderson's creations as well as his enormous talent with a camera.

More of Mike's work can be seen at the Moonbase Central blog by searching on his name (search results open in new window). Using "Scoop" as a nickname, Mike has become a co-editor at Moonbase Central, so there's even more to be found amongst his posts on various subjects.