Bill Bulloch is inspired by Spacex in many ways: he loves discussing the toys, researching them, and building various types of toy vehicles as can be seen here.
The first four are what he calls "Spacex Stage 3" vehicles, developments on the Stage 1 designs made from broken toys he obtained in various lots over time.

Not fond of the original yellow colour of the Nuclear Pulse, Bill restored a damaged example to look like the blue prototype version, and added some more detailing while he was at it.

Inspired by Kevin Davies' models (see further on in this section), Bill also had a shot at building an upscaled Nova Rocket before Kevin revealed his.

Being a fine photographer, Bill had some fun with paperback covers portraying Spacex design origins.

And being as interested in vintage Lego as he is in space toys, it's no surprise that Bill ended up combining the two in this MEV-2 made from Lego parts.