MULTIPLE TOYMAKERS - 2005 and Beyond

In 1976, Miner Industries' Multiple Toymakers division re-issued at least four Spacex/Golden Astronaut toys under a new brand called "2005 and Beyond" together with a boxed set containing a relatively simple playset that bears no relation to anything we've seen before.
The ex-Spacex toys were simplified by omitting detail parts here and there, yet two of them obviously had their moulds altered as becomes clear when they're compared to the Spacex originals. It could be that this enabled the toys to better fit together on the new blister cards, which each hold two vehicles - otherwise it would be a mystery why Miner and/or McArthur went to this expense.

This blister card still retains the perforated tear-off corner with a price of $1.00,
missing from the other examples listed below.
Whether there were more vehicles in this series we don't know - not helped by the fact that the blister cards all carry the same stock number again. A 1976 dealer catalogue(1) doesn't help either - it only shows the two blister cards featured here but not the small box set, and the accompanying caption also isn't particularly specific. Whatever might be the case, I'd love to find more of these toys were made after all. :)

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The 1976 Multiple Toymakers catalogue is included on the brilliant Plaidstallion site. It has a page showing the two blister cards, but the small set is nowhere to be seen in the rest of the catalogue. (opens in new window). Do note that the two cards shown in that catalogue do not have a price-corner in white, and that the Freighter is purple instead of red and the Cruiser is red instead of purple. back to text