Painted figures witout base

Four different copies of 2" MPC figures are included in an assortment of different-sized toys by an unknown manufacturer (use your browser's Back button to return here). Copy at left, original MPC figure at right.
Sitap Minispace

Included here just to be complete, Sitap probably copied Spacex figures, but the one at right is in turn based on a 2" MPC figure. All Sitap figures are somwhat smaller than Spacex figures. (Sitap figure in the middle is based on a MT 5" figure; Spacex figure at left for comparison.)
Cake decorations by Unique

Quite a few space toys and figures ended up being sold as cake decorations, as illustrated by this set sold by Unique from Philadelphia. These are about 1.5" (38mm) in height.
Space Heroes by Payton

Unmarked but relatively easy to recognise by their uncommon colours, these copies are just under 2" (5cm) and were marketed in the US by Payton from Brooklyn, NY. Payton offered many more cheap, simple figures of cowboys, soldiers, etc. as well as some simple accessories for same.