(dozer blade)
(minus antenna
& spotlight)
87 mm
42 mm
31 mm
3 7/16 in
1 5/8 in
1 1/4 in
This vehicle has the same body as Space Vehicle 404/405B, but with a bulldozer blade added. All Space Vehicles share the same chassis with the Explorer Cars, marked with the LP trademark, Made in Hong Kong text and number 404.
However, the dozer blade has pins which fit into two holes on each side, specially added to the track moulds for this purpose (shown below). These holes intially weren't present on the other versions in this series, but after their introduction could be found on any of them, which would indicate they became a standard feature as opposed to producing track versions with or without. A close look at the various vehicles included on other pages shows the holes are present on a few of them, which would then indicate a later production item.
Although the dozer blade is supposed to go with the rounded reconnaissance-type body (and illustrated as such on the packaging), it would be feasible to fit the dozer blade on any version of this vehicle if the holes are present, much like the example also shown below.

The 406A-C identification numbers are from the packaging these toys were found in
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Other details see description of Explorer Car No 404/405B