This set by Multiple Toymakers has number 445 and a copyright date of 1969. It contains toys of various origins (see below). The bag is made out of vinyl instead of polyethylene, and will have been produced by Miner Industries who themselves manufactured vinyl toy cases and components (see catalogue images here f ex - use your browser's Back button to return here).
Pack size
Card rider height
27 cm
16.5 cm
7 cm
10 5/8 in
6 1/2 in
2 3/4 in

Other than the rocket, this set contains two mini copies of Matt Mason's Space Crawler as originally produced by LP (shown above). However the driver figures are facing backwards, and a close look at the baggy's rider shows one illustrated like that so it's intentional.
Surprisingly, the astronaut figures in this set are not derived from MPC or other Multiple Toymakers figures as is usually the case with Multiple Toymakers sets, but copies of a range originally produced by the Giant brand. I happen to have some of these, as shown below.

The picture above shows the ten different poses and three colours I have. The originals are sharply moulded and clearly marked underneath (see top-left below), while what are presumably copies show less detail (the ones in the top row above f ex) and can be marked with just Hong Kong in either a circle or line or carry no markings at all. The ones in the Space Explorers set are only marked Hong Kong.

As a note, Marco Bijl has written the most comprehensive overview I've found for Giant-branded products at Plastic Soldier Review. Astronauts and associated alien figures are towards the end of the page (opens in new window).