Rocket height
(incl pin)
78 mm
38 mm
122 mm
104 mm
3 1/16 in
1 1/2 in
4 13/16 in
4 1/8 in

Spring-loaded launch tube operated by push button at front of platform launches rocket (goes up about a foot or so :)
Platform on gantry can be slid up and down.
exists in blue and green

The LP mobile launch platform is copied from components of the Voice Control Astronaut Base made by Remco (image from a Ward's catalogue). The gantry is identical in shape, while the platform takes its inspiration from the control building.

A cheap copy of the Remco launch platform exists, shown above as sold by Delamare. This set was in fact made by LP, and also sold with their own trademarks on the box. In the example I've seen the rocket was entirely made in olive drab colour.
The gantry in this set looks identical to that on the mlp, while the rocket launchers at right are shared with an Explorer car (click your browser's Back button to return here).