The Space Explorer has been found in the two colour combinations shown above and below. It has friction power, which also turns the antenna while making siren sounds (as does the flywheel on most friction drives).
Although different in detail, the Space Explorer by LP bears a more than striking resemblance to the X-30 Space Explorer by another manufacturer, possibly Ming Tat (use link on that page or your browser's Back button to return here). There's no knowing which of these toys came first and which would then be the copy.
190 mm
65 mm
62 mm
7 1/2 in
2 9/16 in
2 7/16 in

The inverse colour combination.

To save space, the tail and rotating antenna came detached in the box
as is shown by the assembly instruction on its side.
The Space Explorer was also sold on a blister card with a quartet of LP astronaut figures, the tail being tucked in two parts underneath the spaceship. The blister on the card will be one of the earliest ones produced, judging by its awkward shape and that it's still stapled instead of glued to the card. This particular card has no trademark, but since LP had the habit of producing packaging both with and without, I'd expect they issued a trademarked version as well.