The LP Space Bus has friction power which also rotates the antenna. Note the red version has a detail on top that's not present on the blue version. Andrew Cook has also seen a Space Bus with an antenna like that shown on the blister card (see below).
(excl antenna)
140 mm
70 mm
48 mm
5 1/2 in
2 3/4 in
1 7/8 in

This toy is a close copy of the Space Sight Seeing Bus by Masudaya above, having a very similar rounded-off V-shaped body with the tailfins being the main difference. The passengers also look very similar.

The box for the Space Bus is a tight fit so has dimensions similar to the toy itself. As shown on the box side, the two yellow fins came as separate parts to be fitted by the buyer. The box flap carries the nr 101.

The (missing) blister was stapled to this card, which carries the nr 101A.
Card Size
190 mm
231 mm
7 1/2 in
9 1/16 in