Note: this document does exceptionally not list Jack Rosenthal as an assignor to Rovex, but lists his home address instead. Probably he did this because he knew the Prospector toy design was already registered in the UK by Tai-Hing (because of the missing number in the UK design registration number sequence for Stage 1 toys, he may have tried to register the design in that country to have it then refused).
The address itself is mis-spelled as "Fivescissburg Ring, South London" instead of "5, Cissbury Ring South, London". (Cissbury Ring South is in Woodside Park (just west of Finchley), North London, and has an accompanying Cissbury Ring North. :) The other patent documents also erroneously state Rosenthal as being from 'South London.' His home is included on the Places page (use your browser's Back button to return here).