1966 Langdons toy catalogue
This contemporary catalogue provides a nice cross-section of Lipkin's output for his Pippin brand,
which by that time had also become part of Triang. Some of the toys shown had initially been marketed
under the LRL running clown brand.
Toys with ref nrs in the 6000 range I believe will
originally have been Plaston toys, since the (admittedly) few I've seen all have four-digit numbers
starting with 6, and Guiterman went into voluntary liquidation in March 1966. The Flippy Frogman
(nr 6601 on the third page below) is indeed a Plaston toy, included on the previous page of this section.

Multi-Slot Money Box
The money box previously sold under the LRL running clown trademark, shown here with its later Pippin box. It has seven separate compartments for holding various denominations of (pre-decimal) pennies and shillings, and came with two keys to keep it locked.

The previous LRL-branded box is shown on the LRL page (use link on that page to return here).
Nuffield Tractor
This was another long-running Lipkin toy, initially being sold under the LRL running clown brand. It's shown here in its later Pippin box with updated graphics. The Nuffield trademark is also included, which might indicate another agreement or co-operation. The tractor has ref. nr. 1078, which would indicate it's an earlier model than the Massey-Harris/Countryman tractor (see second catalogue page above and LRL page in this section).

Massey-Ferguson Combine Harvester
Another impressive and well-detailed farm toy, shown here with a box that originally had very vivid colouring in primary colours, now sadly rather faded.

Barrel Bank
This money bank has a turning knob to register the number of pennies and shillings it has been fed. It's marked underneath as Made in England with Regd. Des. No. 923411. The Pippin box has the same information plus the reference no. 1127.

Super Loco set
A nicely engineered train set, battery powered despite its deceptively simple looks.

As a note, Joanne holds the official Guinness record for the world's largest
Mr Men collection!
Modern Miss Mixer
This hand-cranked mixer existed in various colours, and was sturdily-made for actual use.

Toys based on others' inventions
Whirly Wizard set

The wizard figure in this set produces patterns like a Spirograph, but in a completely different way. The wizard holds a pen, and is held on top of the paper by magnets. Tilting the wizard or adjusting the mount on the rotating base allow changing the patterns made by turning the handle to make him move along the paper. The set has ref. nr. 1132.

According to the patent information mentioned on the box, the basic mechanism was invented by Tom Bowen for S. Smith & Sons, the patent being granted in June 1964 (opens in new window; drawings start on p5 of the document).
Funny Men

The Funny Men are Lipkin's licensed version of the Acrobates invented by René Ach in France
(which were also manufactured and sold by other companies under other names in other countries).
These delightful figures and their accessories can be clipped together in many different ways, and
came in sets of various sizes. The Circus set shown has ref. nr. 1141 and is probably the largest.

I believe it's Lipkin who developed the fire truck and cannon shown above. The cannon I've only seen offered in the UK, and the fire truck is very different to the one sold on the German market by another manufacturer.

For those interested, I've written three blog posts for Moonbase Central about the Acrobates and their inventor René Ach: part 1, part 2, part 3. (open in new windows)