The new Captain Scarlet range of toys produced by Century 21 Toys itself was announced in the September 1967 Century 21 Merchandising News, and included two land vehicles and an Angel interceptor based on the models used in the TV series, as well as smaller accessories which even included a make-up set tied in to the female jet pilots to attract girls as well. The quality and detail of the three large toys took another step forward from that of the Thunderbirds toys, making them very attractive representations of the vehicles seen on TV with many features that added to their play value.
As a note, all markings on toys mentioned below are moulded in capital lettering.

Angel Aircraft - No 8
This very nicely detailed model of the Angel interceptor jet can be rolled along on its landing gear or fitted with a detachable friction motor. It fires spring-loaded missiles from its nose cone, and various other parts also detach including the nose and the pilot in her seat. Measuring 25 cm / 9 7/8 in long, the jet is marked under one wing with the JR Diamond followed by "No 8 Made in Hong Kong".

Spectrum Patrol Car - No 9
Powered by friction drive, this beautiful toy is 25 cm - 9 7/8 in long and features opening doors as well as headlights that swivel away to reveal spring-loaded missile tubes. The rear side windows can also be opened to stow two equipment cases that come with the toy, while the driver figure can be removed as well. Underneath the SPC is marked with the JR Diamond followed by "No 9 Made in Hong Kong".

Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle - No 10
With a length of 25 cm / 9 7/8 in, this impressive toy is packed with features. It has friction drive and sprung suspension, a soft rubber nose "for ramming" and detailed rear tracks that can be lowered and lifted. The driver's door slides open from one side, while the passenger's seat ejects through a panel in the roof; both driver and passenger figures being removable. An opening hatch in the nose reveals a rapid-firing gun, while a spring-loaded missile launcher on the roof is operated by pressing the small fin on top. Markings underneath consist of the JR Diamond followed by "No 10 Made in Hong Kong".

Dart gun and water pistol
Similar to the Thunderbirds range, a number of pistols were made for Captain Scarlet fans. Next to a cap gun with holster (not shown), another fired plastic darts at the targets provided (with a small table on the blister card to record scores). The water pistol doesn't include any gimmicks like the turning spout of the Thunderbirds equivalent.

Small Toys
Century 21 also issued a range of smaller, simpler toys such as the examples shown here. Whether Jack Rosenthal was personally involved with these (or indeed the guns above) isn't known, but these are the relatively cheap toys sold in larger volumes that the company could also make money from.
As a note, all these toys carry a nicely worded safety warning: "Captain Scarlet is indestructible - you are not... Remember this, and do not try to imitate him...!"