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Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
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List of Directors, 31 August 1966 (more readable detail below)

Detail of above

Addendum to above, listing Jack Gill's other directorships.

Detail of list of Directors, 10 January 1967 - Gill marked as resigned

List of Directors, filed 24 January 1968 (more readable detail below)
The list for 1968 was amended twice, but from looking at the different versions it's not clear why this happened. The list in its last amended version is shown here - this is not dated by hand in the space provided, whereas the first version was, dated 10 January 1968.

Detail of list of Directors, filed 24 January 1968 - Gill still listed, marked as resigned, while John Read has joined the board.

Detail of list of Directors, undated by hand, also filed 24 January 1968
In this list Gill is no longer included, but Louis Benjamin has joined the board, marked as appointed 18 September 1967.

Detail of list of Directors, undated by hand, also filed 24 January 1968
This final list shows Robert Hearn, Howard Silver and Keith Shackleton having resigned on
15 November 1967.
Jack Rosenthal still appears to be a director at this date.