This double-page spread by Multiple Toymakers appeared in the January 1970 issue of Toys and Novelties trade magazine.

The advert on the right-hand page lists the 1970 recommended retail prices for Golden Astronaut toys. All the cards shown are still the early type with the extra inner frame. Sadly I haven't had any luck in finding Mr Barrett...

The left-hand page contains a notice to the trade about infringements of design patents (the US equivalent to a registered design) or the Golden Astronauts brand name.(1)
Because it's such a nice cover, I'm showing it a bit larger than the others.

1) We haven't found details of which specific company may have been sued for infringement, but my guess is it will have been Roxy, particularly because of their Space Explorer series (q.v. - use your browser's Back button to return here). back to text above