This advert by McArthur Ltd shows off the Spacex toys they were manufacturing. It appeared in Hong Kong Toys '70, an annual trade magazine devoted to toys published by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.
Advertisers in trade magazines usually get editorial attention in exchange, and, as shown below, a number of pages do show McArthur's toys to advantage. Unfortunately however, a major mistake occurred that clearly wasn't noticed and ended up in print.

Polyline Manufacturers Ltd was another toy company advertising in this particular issue of Hong Kong Toys. Their advert shares a spread with McArthur's.

And in the photograph at right, a Polyline toy is shown with a Spacex toy by McArthur.
Toys from different manufacturers being photographed together isn't unusual in this magazine. But unfortunately, the writer of the editorial seems to have confused the two companies somehow, believing them to be one and the same. For in every caption, the toys are described as being made by Polyline, not McArthur...

This entire spread should have promoted McArthur, but due to the mix-up, the toys are again attributed to Polyline. Presumably McArthur will have had some compensation for this most unfortunate mistake, and possibly a correction will have been sent to readers afterwards.

Spacex toys also appear in the photograph opening a feature on packaging. McArthur isn't mentioned here either, but that may be because the Triang logo is plainly visible on the blister cards.