From its start in 1916, Meccano Magazine quickly became a veritable British Institution - the main marketing medium of the famous Meccano factory, featuring everything a Meccano Boy found interesting. Next to helpful articles on building Meccano models and Hornby Train layouts, it featured articles on real engineering and train operations -and later cars to tie in with Dinky Toys- as well as other serious subjects. By 1970 however, Meccano had gone bankrupt and been taken over by rival Triang, the magazine had been outsourced to MAP Publishing, and its pages now also featured toys from other Triang companies.
Possibly in an effort to maintain post-Xmas sales, Meccano Magazine brought Spacex toys to their readers' attention in January 1970, showing Superset 1 and the three larger toys. This is most useful to us collectors in showing that Superset 1 was still available then, and the other three themed sets hadn't yet been issued. The article also mentions 1970 prices for the toys and sets shown. (And note the quaint spelling of "rotars" and "computors"!)

Cover and "Have You Seen?" page from Meccano Magazine, January 1970