The Nuclear Pulse is identical for both the Spacex and Golden Astronaut ranges.
A note about the name: on its box, this toy is actually called the Nuclear Pulse Space Station - "nuclear pulse" most likely referring to its engines. This was shortened to just Nuclear Pulse in the list on the Stage 1 card backs however, with the consequence that all collectors now refer to the craft by this shortened name.
204 mm
131 mm
36 mm
8 in
5 3/16 in
1 7/16 in

The two blue spinners sit in a spring-loaded tube. They can be wound up against the spring, being held by the catch moulded into the bay. The light-blue levers underneath the bays push the spinners slightly upwards to release them from the catches. The wound-up spring then rotates the spinners, making them take off vertically.
The transparent hatch can be opened, after which the little shuttle craft can be launched from its spring-loaded tube by pulling the white lever towards the back.
Instruction sheets are included in the Paperwork section.

The Nuclear Pulse has only been found in the colours shown here, and with a trademark underneath.
Prototypes & Mockups

The Spacex cardback photograph (left) shows a blue Pulse with red rotors, white pilot and lacking the clear top canopy, which the 1969 Multiple Toymakers catalogue also shows in a mocked-up box (below left).
Another blue Pulse with clear top canopy (possibly another test shot) is shown in US publications such as JC Penney catalogues (below right).

Golden Astronaut
From sets containing multiple toys, use your browser's Back button to return here.
The Heavy Duty Super Freighter CGX 9, illustrated by Eric Eden in the Defence 2066 feature published in TV21 Summer Extra of 1966 and subsequently published in the Dutch Thunderbirds Extra 2 annual of the same year.
UK Registered Design
19 November 1969
Toy Vehicle
US Design Patent
A US Design Patent may have been applied for, but hasn't been granted.