The figures above (numbered from left) can be found in the following vehicles:
1: Forklift 7/Lift Loader; Cricket; Nuclear Pulse; Apollo Tracker; Rescue Craft 6 cockpit. Size is 9mm or 3/8" high (head to below arms) and 7mm or 9/32" wide (between elbows).
2 is a smaller copy of 1, found in the Hawk; Explorer MEV2/Moon Prospector; LAMA. Size is 6mm or 1/4" high (head to below arms) and 5mm or 3/16" wide (between elbows). An even smaller version (not shown yet) sits in the Rescue Craft 6 escape pod.
3 is unique to Helicopter P3/Security Patrol Copter. It's wearing flying gear incl a Mae West. Size is 14mm or 9/16" high (head to knees) and 8mm or 5/16" wide (elbow to elbow).
4: Surveyor 2; LT10; MOLAB; and with its legs fully complete in the Apollo capsule. The figure above shows black plastic inside its legs and the bit of sprue still attached to the shoulder, so will have had its legs cut off (rather unevenly) after being removed from the sprue and before being glued inside a cockpit. Size is 11mm or 7/16" high (head to seat) and 6mm or 1/4" wide (elbow to elbow).
The first three figures have a stem that fits into
a hole in the cockpit floor, after which the stem is melted with a hot
tool to make a blob preventing the figure to come loose. This is visible
on figure 1, while 2 and 3 had their stem pushed into the hole and left
at that, so in time they came loose and rattled round their cockpits...
Figure 4 is always glued in place, but since polystyrene glue doesn't
bond very well with plated plastic (the plating prevents the plastic components
to melt into a good bond), these figures too are often found detached
from their seat.

The Nuclear Ferry (left) has a crew incorporated in the moulding of the cabin floor.
The LEM (centre) has two gold-coloured figures sharing one base, looking like Apollo astronauts. One has a backpack, and is taking a step forward, while the other has a rather flat back, no pack and is standing with legs apart.
The Moon Buggy (right) has a large gold-coloured figure unique to this vehicle. Because of its exposed position and because polystyrene glue doesn't bond very well with plated plastic, this figure is sadly almost always missing.