Note: at the time of the Apollo missions, the lunar lander was referred to as the Lunar Excursion Module, abbreviated as LEM. Later on this was shortened to Lunar Module or LM. For this site I'm maintaining the original name, esp since that's what the toy was called as well of course.
Also note the antenna on the blue Apollo CSM shown above is missing its top half. It normally consists of 2 x 2 little dishes.
Size - Apollo
(minus antenna)
130 mm
56 mm
62 mm
5 1/8 in
2 3/16 in
2 5/16 in
Size - LEM
83 mm
83 mm
90 mm
3 5/8 in
3 5/8 in
3 1/2 in

LEM attaches and detaches from Apollo Command Module.
Lever launches LEM crew module from spring-loaded tube in LEM base (left).

- Apollo & LEM, marked 'Made in Hong Kong'
No variations known.
Golden Astronaut
Box with small insert
The LEM was separately used in a promo set by the Newmark watch company
Not available as GA
NASA's Apollo programme ran from 1961 to 1972; Apollo 5 being the first to employ a LEM in January 1968 for testing the craft.
Registered Design/Design Patent
UK Registered Design
Probably applied for, but not granted