In time, the colour of the Pleasure Cruiser went from an early canary-yellow to a final peach-orange colour. The earliest colour shades were not available as Golden Astronaut toys, but otherwise there's no difference between the Spacex and GA versions.
84 mm
74 mm
26 mm
3 5/16 in in
2 15/16 in
1 in
Engine hatch can be opened

Pleasure Cruisers started off in a canary-yellow colour, which was then replaced with an orange-yellow before the final peach-orange (see Spacex cards for examples). The clear plastic canopy and hatch cover also exist in various shades of blue and blue-green next to untinted.
- Lemon-yellow without trademark
(top pic)
- Lemon-yellow, trademarked
- Peach-orange, trademarked (bottom pic)
Prototypes & Mockups

Spacex card back photograph shows a Cruiser with a red stripe that looks like a sticker instead of the tampo-printed stripe on the production toy.
Golden Astronaut
From sets containing multiple toys, use your browser's Back button to return here.
A rocket ship in a comic strip published in the Boys' World Annual of 1968, thought to've been drawn by Bruno Maraffa.
Copies & Clones
A friend remembers another copy by Larami
(use your browser's Back button to return here)