Tri-ang Fair Was Best Ever
An Aladdinʼs Cave of Good Things
There was intense interest in the now inexhaustible range of ʻSpacexʼ miniatures, covering every conceivable facet of space exploration. The development of this great series of craft and equipment for moon and space probes has been one of the outstanding success stories of the trade, and beautiful little models like the Lem/Apollo, Soyuz 6 and 7 and Space Station can become the collectorsʼ pieces of tomorrow.
Games & Toys magazine, March 1970, page 54.
Found by Kim Stevens at the British Library
Next to the International Toy Fairs at Harrogate and Brighton, Triang also staged its own private Fairs in its London showroom. The last line in the excerpt about Spacex in this report certainly turned out to be prophetic!
Spacex For 1970
Spacex by Rovex Tri-ang Ltd, is the most complete concept ever devised in space toys with the three themes of earth, moon and space covered by a range of 37 items, with additional lines constantly being added in die-cast and plastics. The principles of magnetic docking have been incorporated and included in the range are satellite models actually in orbit including Lunar Orbiter, Soyus 6 and 7 and the space laboratory which the USA envisage putting into space in the near future. The whole range is miniaturised to increase playvalue at pocket money prices, but as these are real collectors items their appeal is universal with every child eager to add new models to build up a full collection.
To keep the interest sustained the Spacex programme is being backed by consumer advertising in all the leading comics throughout the year. Prices range from 2s 11d in carded blister packs to 55s 0d covering display boxes and magnificent gift packs. Each of the new die-cast models will also incorporate a golden astronaut and a Spacex badge. Sales last year spread throughout the world and were in the neighbourhood of 12 million pieces, a figure that is certain to be exceeded in 1970.
A criterion of their popularity is the fact that many attempts were made to copy the range and legal actions were successfully taken. Quite rightly, Rovex-Tri-ang Ltd are so proud of their Spacex range that they are determined to protect any possible infringements of the project.
Games & Toys magazine, March 1970, page 69.
Found by Kim Stevens at the British Library
This little piece provides the only indication of production numbers that we know of. It also mentions legal action brought by Triang against copycat competitors, though sadly without mentioning names.* Another research opportunity for the future. :)
Rovex Tri-ang
We are in receipt of a folder which contains many leaflets devoted to Rovex Tri-ang Productions. Illustrated in colour are Pedigree Pippin dolls which include baby walker, baby crawler, baby bikey and mini baby party. In black and white are a number of leaflets dealing with Pedigree Pippin toys and illustrations are shown of farm tractors, a playbench, time teller clock and many other items. There is also a Frog kit and a Space 70. There are coloured illustrations of the NASA Glider, Astronomic Telescope Satellite, Crash Tender, Mobile Laboratory and many others. Featured too are interspace miniatures which are models of authentic designs created by scientists in manʼs quest to reach the moon and beyond.
Games & Toys magazine, April 1970, page 36.
Found by Kim Stevens at the British Library
Although Spacex doesn't show up in regular Triang catalogues, the article above proves at least one leaflet did feature part of the range. Whoever wrote the piece for Games & Toys must've given the leaflet only a cursory glance, not realising that the four toys mentioned by name are part of the "interspace miniatures" range mentioned right after them. The fact that the Crash Tender was in the leaflet is another indication that to my mind proves it was produced.
(And jic: I'm afraid I have no idea what a "Space 70" may have been...)
*: As noted elsewhere, I believe at least one lawsuit for infringement will have been brought against Roxy, for their blatant copying of both toys and esp the graphics on their Space Explorers series. (Use your browser's Back button to return here)