Early red version of the Spacex Tractor T-5 at right, which subsequently was changed to yellow. Golden Astronaut Terrain Tiger at left, which only appeared in that colour.
68 mm
40 mm
35 mm
2 11/16 in
1 9/16 in
1 3/8 in
Working winch

- Red with T-5 sticker, no trademark
- Yellow with T-5 sticker, trademarked
- Yellow with T-T sticker, trademarked
- Red with T-5 sticker, trademarked
- Yellow with T-5 sticker, no trademark
- Yellow with T-T sticker, no trademark
As a note, the design registration document for the Tractor (linked below) is dated 22 August 1969 and still shows a version without a trademark.
Prototypes & Mockups

Spacex card back photograph shows a Tractor T-5 fitted with five-spoked wheel hubs, showing the black of the wheel through the holes between the spokes. The window glass has almost no tinting, and reveals a detail moulded in green inside that isn't present in production models.
Golden Astronaut
From sets containing multiple toys, use your browser's Back button to return here.
An illustration
by Eric Eden in a feature in TV21 magazine #87 of 17 September 1966,
showing the vehicle towing a longboat in the 2066 celebrations
of the Battle of Hastings 1000th anniversary.
The cab design of both vehicles is based on that of the Thunderbirds Transmitter Truck (aka Jodrell 6) which subsequently reappeared in this TV series in other guises and colours.